Saturday, October 11, 2014

Shit My Husband Says.

Shit My Husband Says.
My first “Shit My Husband Says” post..
I’ve decided to start writing down and saving some of the things that dare leave my husband’s mouth. Ever since we were kids, Kerry has been a very hilarious guy. He is so intelligent and so goofy, that he comes up with and says/does some of the maddest things. He’s a big, silly, and mostly inappropriate cheese ball. I can’t ignore it! And I want to share with you some of the ridiculous things that my husband says day by day to make me laugh. Here we go.

Early in the morning while making breakfast..Me: “I think I just want cereal.”
Hubby: “Ok, sweetie. I’ll make you some cereal.”
Me: “You are so sweet. Thank you, love.”
Hubby: “Would you like me to pour the milk over my balls?”

Later that same morning…
"Do you know why they call cereal ‘cold cereal’ and oatmeal ‘hot cereal’? Because they are the same goddamned thing."

While watching Futurama together..
"I want some ant eating man eaters.
Anteater man eaters?
Man eating ant eaters!!
They are like a giant squid… Crossed with a scorpion…A scorpion-falcon! And I’ll build a giant pit for them! Right here! Right here in the

Riding in the car listening to “Bones” by Young Guns.
*singing* “I feel it in my BALLS!….. BALLS!… BAAALLLLLSSS!!!”


Here is a rant for the night. And none of you better go getting all offended and butt hurt.
I absolutely can't stand the fact that it is so hard to find any groups or blogs about married life or being a wife that are not completely based around Christianity. ALL of the groups or blogs I have looked at are covered in bible verses. Christ this, Jesus that. They are all about love for the Christian god, not your husband. Love them as God loved the church this, and no marriage is a good marriage without God that. Just stop!!
Not ALL happily married couples are Christians!!! Some of us have different beliefs! SOME OF US that look at these blogs and groups want to share our love for our HUSBANDS and our happiness in our marriage! Not the bible or your god! Get over yourselves! And I find it rather insulting that these things try to say that my marriage doesn't count or isn't going to last because it isn't based on a certain religion!!! UGH!
Rant over.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Sacred Mists Wiccan College!

Good news, everyone! (Futurama reference)
So, as some of you may know, I have lately struggled with the idea of going back to school. From what some of you may also remember, my experiences in college have not been so great. I’m definitely not proud of myself. My first year in college, I was forced to leave and was unable to complete my education due to seizures. My short time in Cosmetology classes (and let me say this was absolutely not my fault) I had the WORST teacher in the world. She did not teach us anything, only mixed her new students with her experienced students, threw us random assignments we didn’t understand, and locked herself in her office for the rest of the day. Not knowing how to do anything and having no one to show me how, I ended up spending every day smoking cigarettes outside until I was going through a pack a day.
I went back to Chattanooga state, and finished my education, but struggled so much. Of course, I went for art. Therefor, math class was my weakness. I’m not good at math. I’ve never been good at math. I never will be good at math. You couldn’t teach me the simplest of math if your life depended on it. I never understood why I needed math for an art degree. Hell, why did I need math to finish high school? Never once in my adult life have I ever needed math. But that is for another day.
What it all came down to, is I just couldn’t find the right schooling for me. I am eager to learn, and I love staying busy with class and homework. I love studying and reading. I just have a thirst for knowledge. But my thirst is selective. I have to be very interested in something in order to stick to it. It has to be something I love and something I’m passionate about.
Don’t get me wrong, I am very passionate about my art. But it was the pointless math that got me and killed it for me. Not to mention, I wasn’t learning anything new. My art was at the top, and I wasn’t challenged enough.
So here I have been, whining and wishing I could go back to school. But for what? What do I want to do? And how am I ever going to be able t afford it? What about my seizures? I can’t attend classes without having seizures and taking an ambulance ride to the hospital and missing class. I can’t drive to campus and back due to my condition. And online classes (or any college classes) are expensive. I was pretty torn up about it. Outside of tattooing and being a house wife, I don’t feel I stay busy enough. I learn new things about tattooing all the time, but where is the push? Where is the homework and studying? Where is the late nights stressing over an exam? Where is the time spent sitting at a desk with my school books and a cup of coffee? I know it may sound strange to enjoy such things, considering most people who have to do it bitch and complain about how horrible it is. But I miss school. And I want these things back in my routine.

So here is where my amazing husband steps in. Witch school!

What? Witch school? WTF, man?

Yea, that’s right. Witch school. Wiccan college.
We all know my passion for the craft, and I am open to learn more and more about it each day. But there are some things that you just can’t grasp through Google search and reading books from McKay’s. That is why I took interest in the Sacred Mists Online Wiccan College. It is affordable for us, and I take classes to earn a degree in something I adore. I get homework, exams, teachers to help me, other students to socialize with, and an amazing learning experience. Plus, at the end of all my courses, I earn a degree as a Wiccan High Priestess. 
It sounds extremely fun, it will keep me busy, and I will have the chance to learn so many new things!

Most people may think I’m silly for this. But I honestly am really excited. The fact that my husband loves me enough to support me and help me get through this form of school means so much to me. 

I will get to apply for enrollment in a week or two and get started. Plus it’s all online so I can do it all from home without the struggle of driving back and forth every day burning up all the gas money. And I don’t have to worry about seizures throwing me behind and causing me to fail. I think this is a beautiful idea! And I can’t wait to begin!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I'm Finally Married!

This is a whole new level of bliss that I can’t even begin to explain.
The wedding was like a dream, It felt like a fog almost the whole time. The honeymoon was perfection.. I didn’t want it to end.

And now that we are home, I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m so over whelmed with excitement, that it constantly stays on my mind.

Everything I do now, I do as a wife. I am a married woman. I am finally Mrs. Seifried!! It’s unbelievable. I couldn’t be happier!

We take random moments during the day to smile at each other and say.. “Hey, guess what? We’re married!”
Haha! :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

So Tomorrow is my Wedding Day...

My nerves are all over the place. I definitely have a huge case of the "pre-wedding gitters". My hands are even shaking. I hope I'm able to sleep tonight..
It's a good kind of nervous, though. I have no doubts and I have no fear. But the excitement is what is taking it's toll on me. This is a day I have dreamed of since I was a little girl. And I don't mean my wedding day..
I mean Kerry Seifried himself.
When I imagined my wedding and imagine the day I finally got married, it was always with him. HE was the one I dreamed of. Not the dress, not the decorations, not the music. Just Kerry. He's all I've ever wanted in life. Since I was a 12 year old girl, I've wanted to be "Mrs. Seifried". That day is finally here. It is a literal dream come true. A day I thought would always just be a silly dream is now real. Too real. I can't contain myself.
I thought the reality would hit me on 09-24-20014 when we went to get our marriage license. But the nervousness has just hit me today. As we were driving through Dunlap on our way to the wedding location to set up and practice, my stomach turned in to knots. The reality struck. And I've been a nervous wreck ever since. Is it normal to be this nervous? It is normal to be so panicked? 
Everyone keeps telling me I'll calm down once I get there. Once I start walking down the aisle and set my eyes on Kerbear, all the panic will fade. I hope they are right.
I keep feeling the need to cry. I get so excited that my nerves rattle up and I feel like maybe I should just cry it out. Tears of joy consume me. I don't even know what to do.

Not to mention, I've never been good at being the center of attention. Knowing all eyes are on me. That makes me pretty nervous, too. Walking in front of everyone. Reading my vows out loud. I always choked up in speech class.

But everything is set, going perfectly, weather will be beautiful, and I'll be married to my best friend. Everything is going to be ok. I know this. I am looking forward to this more than I have ever looked forward to anything in all 23 years I've been alive. Tomorrow, my life begins. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I love my sweet husband!

Because I have a beautiful husband who picks flowers for me and brings them home.  I love you so much, Kerry. I really do. I know we don't always agree on everything. And I know we have our fights. I know we aren't "perfect" all the time... But you are a wonderful man and you are my soulmate.  I love you beyond words and I am here beside you no matter what. Even though all of our situations aren't always ideal, our relationship is perfect to me. And I've never been happier with anyone in my entire life. You do more for me than anyone ever has, and no matter how big or small the task you always do everything you can to make me happy. And I appreciate every ounce of it. Even if it doesn't always seem that way. Even though sometimes I lose my cool and I'm not always the perfect wife. I hope that I am a good wife to you and I hope that I can make you at least half as happy as you make me. Forever and always.